Tuesday, January 20, 2015

1957 Conclave Promotion

"Attached is your patch for the 1957 O/A Conclave.  It is being forwarded to you now, so that you may use it in advertising and promoting this activity."

Wow!  This is how we used to promote Conclaves.  The '57 was hosted by Kawida at the old Camp Offutt.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Indian Winter

A lot of good learning today at Camp McKee.
A lot of good food too!
Drum practice.

You know this conversation had to include Conclave.
 The Kawida Lodge's Indian Winter had a very good crowd with many new faces and that can only mean a great future for the Order of the Arrow!

Friday, January 2, 2015

O.A. 100th Begins

It sure is nice to have friends in lofty places that go to Texas after Christmas every year.

Thanks Aaron!