Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ink Pen

I've carried around this same ink pen, every business day, for the last 21 years. It has seen several big dollar deals and still signs some good size checks.

I got this BSA Cross pen from my Field Director, Jim Kesterson, for being in his wedding. I told him that I would keep it as long as he was married. Things got a little bumpy in that marriage after a while and I offered it back to him, but he thought things could be worked out.

They had moved back home to TN and Jim was again working for the Sequoyah Council. He was happy.

The place they were living in caught fire and they got out, but he went back in for something or some reason. He died.

Jim Kesterson was a great friend of Scouting, a good professional Scouter, and a wonderful friend. I miss him.