Monday, November 12, 2007

Wilderness 1st Aid

The First Aid training at Camp McKee this past weekend was awesome! We are all now card carrying and well trained in First Aid: When Help Is Delayed, Wilderness First Aid, and CPR - Adult And Child.

A big Scout Salute to Harold Kenney! He conducted a very well prepared training and put us through the ringer. I like that style of teaching in First Aid. I've had to use lifesaving skills twice in my life and have done well. I'm just "jelly" afterwards.
The chances that a life will be helped or even saved, by one who took this class, is likely. Tell me what that is worth?

You know that it is serious, when the victim is wearing gloves too!!!!

We even had to take a test!
Do you know how long it has been, since I had to take a test?

Would you trust your life to this bunch in case of an emergency?