Friday, November 23, 2007

World Politics

It seems like there has been a little politics going on lately with World Scouting. To make a really long and complicated story simple, the BSA and a few other Scouting Associations weren't happy with the way things were being run at the "World Level". We even stopped payment on our check, told them what we wanted, all at the risk of not being a member of the World Scout Organization.

Basically, it meant no World Jamboree for us at Sweden in 2011! Not a good thing.

Last week, things got straightened out and seem to be on the right track now. I find it strange that all of the Scouts at the World Jamboree got along great, but the adults have to bang heads just to agree.

I guess after this Blog Post, I won't be getting the Silver World Award square knot any time soon?