Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Tooth

Since we had all started this trip, there was one thing that was on everyone's mind. Getting to the top of the Tooth of Time.

We leave 'Cito, go through Clark's Fork, and when we get to Ponderosa, we hear that there is no water ahead. We send a crew back to get limited water and have to carry uphill all day. The Tooth Ridge camp is also dry. We finally make it, after 7 hours and 45 minutes, of the toughest hiking yet.

We all climb up the steep boulders of the Tooth to see the best sight ever. I have the honor of presenting Don and Michael with their Venturing Ranger awards.

It has been exactly 30 years, since I was last on this rock back in 1978. I challenged all youth members to return back in 30 years, 2038 for the 100th anniversary of Philmont.

Icing on the cake boys!