Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Don Combs drove down from Transy tonight for his Sea Scout Quartermaster Board of Review. Lonesome Pine District Advancement Member, Doug Ramey, Ret. Lt. Col. Dave Zoellers, Mike Shepherd, and 2 youth members reviewed Don’s work towards the highest rank in Sea Scouting, and of course he passed!

Don has achieved the BIG 3. Eagle Scout, Venturing Silver, and now Quartermaster. Throw in the Silver Hornaday award and his position as SR 6 Section Chief, and I think you will agree that Don has embraced the Scouting program and has worked hard to accomplish all that it offers.

The best part is that he isn’t done yet! Currently, he is registered as a member of our Council’s Speakers Bureau and does several speeches about Scouting and all that he has done, and how others can do the same.

If the B.S.A. wants something done, then Don will do it. I like that.