Monday, May 7, 2007

World Jambo Reunion

Yesterday, a few Scouts and parents got together with an old horse that attended the 1963 World Jamboree. Jim Pruitt, an Eagle Scout and local attorney, briefly spoke about his "life changing" experiences.

Although his WJ was 44 years ago, there were some noticeable similarities. Limited duffel bag size, air flight challenges, language barriers, and significant differences in religious practices. These are things that you don't have to deal with every day, but this summer we are going to have a learning experience for sure.

I think one of the main points that I learned from the meeting was that everyone of those guys who went in 1963 turned out to be fairly successful in their professional careers.

If I live to see the year 2051, I'd guess that these Scouts going this year will also be successful and leaders of their communities.