Sunday, December 16, 2007

Chapter Party

We had our end of the year, Tomahaken Chapter Party today and it was a good one!

13 different O.A. members braved the cold and flying snow to celebrate another year of brotherhood and cheerful service. It really looks like that we may have a serious Dance Team in the making, thanks to Glen Felty and Doug Ramy. We recognized our youth officers for their fine work and then we did, what we do best. Eat!

The food this year would put most office parties to shame. Lil' BBQ wieners, hot wings, cheese, crackers, nuts, chips, pumpkin dip with ginger bread cookies, and of course a new tradition of deep fried twinkies. Yum, Yum. Thanks Glen and Juanita.

They guys played a couple rounds of the highly popular debate game "Murder". Don and Alex got killed a lot. Wonder why?

2008 will be an interesting year for our rag tag group. A new crop of young Arrowmen will take over the leadership roles. I'm guessing that they will do great.