Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Too Much Haken?

I've been getting a lot of grief for "getting all of the awards" at the Winter Banquet Saturday. Our Chapter and members received 11 of the 19 honors awarded or bestowed. 58% is a bunch, but I'm sorry, I can't apologize (no pun intended).

We were the only ones active in 2005 at the end of the Todd, Todd, and Todd era. Heck, Don wasn't even going to run for Lodge Chief, but as fate would have it, he was thrust into it, and well, the rest is history in the making as he serves as our Section SR-6N Cheif and has even larger ambitions.

I was delighted to talk to Barby Newell and learn that she had 9 youth at the Banquet and things are starting to click in the Tecumseh Chapter. Cody Todd, from Gikino Ballet, had his guys there too with a book 15 inches thick full of OA info. They will be a big factor in 2008. Joel Medendorp has started a Dance Team in the Sheltowee Chapter and I expect great things from that group.

I've been told that if you look back over the history of Kawida Lodge, you will find that there has been a single strong group that has led. Right now, is our time. Nothing lasts forever, except the values learned through brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service.