Thursday, January 17, 2008

Winter Camping

Our District Klondike Derby is this weekend. Glen "AA" Felty has been hosting the event for several years. What do you expect from the "Arctic Warrior"?

Troop 12 hasn't done much tent camping during the winter. The fact is we have never. I guess it goes back to when I was a young Scout. Old Troop 142 out of Bardstown (which is still in existence), went out one time and it got cold. It snowed. It got really cold! All of us got frostbite. Still to this day, when it is even remotely cold, my toes, fingers, nose, and ears get numb.

Remembering back, it wasn't a bad experience, but it is something that I'll never forget. Maybe that is why we haven't tent camped in the snow. I realize that we are missing out on some great fun, but old experiences are hard to erase.

There is nothing wrong with cabin camping and snow skiing during these cold months. I just don't think that I'll qualify for my Arctic Warrior Merit Badge soon!