Wednesday, March 12, 2008

J. L. Tarr

J. L. Tarr recently passed away. He was Chief Scout Executive of the BSA from 1979 - 1984 and had a wonderful 43 year professional Scouter career.

I first met Mr. Tarr at the '81 NJ. I was just starting college and I too wanted to be a professional. I can remember just being in his presence was awe inspiring. I asked him where the next NJ would be held and he told me that it would be at A.P. Hill for several more times. He was right.

I met him once again up in Maine. I took his picture and sent him a copy. He sent the picture back, with a very encouraging letter, and a Chief Scout Executive patch. He was a big reason that I became a District Executive.

"He decided that as a young boy he wanted to work for the Boy Scouts," his daughter, Mary Margaret Berry said. "He asked someone when he was 12 years old, 'How can I work for the Boy Scouts?' The man told him to get good grades and go to college and then to call him and he would hire him. When my dad graduated from Oklahoma State University, that man hired him and he went to work in that council."

James Lee Tarr, 1919 - 2008