Saturday, December 3, 2011

Winter Banquet 2011

The Trading Post was busy as usual.

Old friends and a new beginning.

Terrors of the Tomahaken!

The past Lodge Chiefs roasted the old Lodge Adviser a bit.

Swearing in of our 2012 Lodge Officers.

CAPitalize in 2012 will be our theme.

In the movie "Days of Thunder", car builder and crew chief Harry Hogg (played by Robert Duvall, one of my favorites) told about building cars in NASCAR and how legendary driver, "Buddy Breatherton could do things with my cars that no one else could do and you just automatically kind of love a guy like that!"

The Kawida Lodge Winter Banquet tonight was Alan Watts last major function as Lodge Adviser. After serving successfully for 5 years, he is moving his Scouting priorities to the Commissioner efforts for our Council.

When Alan first took over as Lodge Adviser, I told him that we had some really good youth members here in the mountains and that I needed his help, to take them to the next level.

Alan Watts mentored and led our youth to some amazing leadership positions and our Lodge, Section, Region, and National levels of the Order of the Arrow have benefited. What a tremendous legacy!

You just automatically kind of love a guy like that!

Thanks a lot Alan!