Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Square Knots

There are 2 types of awards in the BSA. Earned or bestowed. I've been getting hit with the later recently.

This is a virtual recreation of what my uniform could look like. That is 14 knots! What is that? A gaggle, hoard, or flock?

The 1959, 5th edition of the Scoutmaster's Handbook says, "While Scouters may wear the insignia to which they are entitled, a 'total display' may not be in the best taste if the uniform looks overdecorated". The current insignia guide, just states in columns of 3 and no suggested limits. Do you ever wonder how myths and legends get started?

I started out with a blank uniform. I was encouraged to wear my Eagle knot and others, because I should be proud and they are important. I've got several shirts and wear knots on some and few or none on others. I look at the Assistant Scoutmasters in Troop 12 and are very proud of their Scouter's Training Award knot, because I know they have worked hard and earned it.

My Venture uniform is blank. I go to things like Powder Horn and Kodiak CDC and people talk to me like I'm a rookie. Hey, I am, as far as Venturing goes and I never let on.

I think I will sew all of them on my poly wool uniform. I want to be buried in that.

Just knot anytime soon!