Monday, February 5, 2007

Life,...after Eagle Scout.

I remember after the 2005 NJ, my daughter asked me who were those girls and guys in the dark green uniforms? I will never forget one of the adults at the church, telling Don that it looked like he had already earned everything.

So we started a Venture Crew ( and a Sea Scout Ship ). I had no clue what Venturing was. So, I bought the book, read the book, followed the book, and guess what? It works! Just like Cubs and Boy Scouts. Venturing is helping us retain and teach our older members.

We just finished up the Venturing Leadership Skills Course ( VLSC ) over the weekend. I've been involved with JLT, TLT, Brownsea, etc. All are good youth leadership courses, but when someone like Don likes it enough to want his own copy to teach another youth group, then I love it! It surprised me. Even the Hogg-man thought is was good. Say no more.

Squeaky emailed me and told me that the Council's Eagle Banquet went well and that my old buddy Mark Ray did a good job. However, I understand that his daughter was in an accident. I'll find out what happened and pass it on later.
Update: Hey, Barry. She's fine. Her knees, thumbs, and back are pretty sore (more yesterday than after the accident), but that's it. Thank God for air bags! The car's probably totaled.

Yes, I thought the banquet went well. It was nice to meet Will Hogg.

I hope my early departure wasn't too big a deal. I hated not to be there for people that wanted books signed.


Mr. Watts and the Chief had a meeting here Friday afternoon. Something about a Conclave meeting. These 2 seem to be hitting it off well.

Alexander wants me to tell "the story" about NOAC. I'll have to put some serious thought into that one.

We've got our physicals for WJ today. It is separate from the one needed for McKee. As Don said, "Oh great, I get to get violated twice this year!"